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Resolution No. SCVS-INMV-DNAR-2023-00093517
November 27, 2023


In compliance with the fourth article of the resolution for the extension of issuance of LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS, which indicates the following:


ARTICLE FOUR. - ORDER that the text of this resolution, as well as the updated risk rating, be published on the website of the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance.


Resolution No. SCVS-INMV-DNAR-2023-00033772

January 26, 2023


In compliance with the fifth article of the resolution for the issuance of SHORT-TERM OBLIGATIONS OR COMMERCIAL PAPER, which indicates the following:

FIFTH ARTICLE. - PROVIDE that prior to the negotiation of the obligations, this resolution and the summary of the initial risk rating of the aforementioned issuance of obligations be published on the institutional website.


Resolution No. SCVS-INMV-DNAR-2023-00033738

January 25, 2023


In compliance with article six of the resolution for the issuance of LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS, which indicates the following:


ARTICLE SIX. - PROVIDE that the legal representative of CORPETROLSA S.A. Publish this resolution on the website of your client on the next business day of the publication referred to in the preceding article.

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Issuance of obligations and commercial paper

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